What is the biggest challenge facing school custodial departments?

The biggest challenges facing school custodial departments can vary depending on the specific circumstances and needs of the school district. However, some common challenges include: Budget Constraints: Many school custodial departments face tight budgets, which [...]

Master the Art of Evidence-Based Cleaning with Indoor Health Council

In the age of information, it's not just about cleaning; it's about cleaning the right way. At Indoor Health Council, we're not just thinking about the present. We're focused on a BHAG – a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Our [...]

Legacy Strategies for Better Indoor Air — And a New One: Proximity Air Cleaning (PAC)

According to the US EPA, there are three main ways to protect IAQ. They are, in order of importance: Source Control: That is, eliminate or control the source of pollution. Ventilation: Bring in fresh and exhaust stale air (goal: five [...]

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