Legacy Strategies for Better Indoor Air — And a New One: Proximity Air Cleaning (PAC)

According to the US EPA, there are three main ways to protect IAQ. They are, in order of importance:

  1. Source Control: That is, eliminate or control the source of pollution.
  2. Ventilation: Bring in fresh and exhaust stale air (goal: five air changes per hour).
  3. Air Purification: Clean the air by filtering it.

While source control and ventilation are the standard approach to protect air, the presence of airborne pathogens is driving demand for proximity, or personal, air cleaning, especially in high occupancy spaces.

Some air purifier companies are stepping up with PAC solutions that help protect the immediate breathing zone.

Cleaning professionals may find their roles expanding as they become involved with filter replacement and other maintenance to cut airborne exposures indoors.

It will be interesting to see how this need can broaden the scope of Evidence-based Cleaning for Health (EB-CFH) and integration with building operations.