How is Your SIS?

Published On: August 16, 2023Categories: All Posts, Learning, Systems, Training

SIS stands for Stakeholder Information System, a process by which you gather and use information from all the stakeholders of your cleaning. These include:

1. People doing the cleaning.
2. People who work, learn or live in the cleaned space.
3. People providing equipment and supplies for cleaning.
4. People indirectly affected by cleaning (e.g., parents of students, etc.)

Stephen R. Covey in his Seven Habits classic says a SIS gathers data beyond what is available to most financial reporting systems, and is part of Habit Five, “Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood”.

Commenting on Dr. Deming’s 14 Points, he said:

“Every one of Deming’s 14 Points rests upon the ability to clearly understand and accurately interpret the interaction of people with each other and with the systems in which they work and grow. Effective communication among people, management, and labor, between the company and its suppliers, and between the customers and the organization is essential to Total Quality.”

So how is your SIS, anyway? How can you improve it?