An Exercise in Professionalism: How Clean is Clean?             

The purpose of this exercise is to develop a method or methodologies to enable cleaning professionals to determine a level of cleanliness by objective measurement. The criteria include: Realistically define the study area to be cleaned, plus the cleaning [...]

Master the Art of Evidence-Based Cleaning with Indoor Health Council

In the age of information, it's not just about cleaning; it's about cleaning the right way. At Indoor Health Council, we're not just thinking about the present. We're focused on a BHAG – a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Our [...]

Bridging Theory with Practice, A Word About Certification and our LMS

Indoor Health Council will award certificates based on successful application, i.e., to students who demonstrate mastery of both knowledge and practice. Our Learning Management System (LMS) helps ensure both goals, while providing a video record of training [...]

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