Bridging Theory with Practice, A Word About Certification and our LMS

Published On: September 20, 2023Categories: Cleaning for Health, Training

Indoor Health Council will award certificates based on successful application, i.e., to students who demonstrate mastery of both knowledge and practice. Our Learning Management System (LMS) helps ensure both goals, while providing a video record of training and student proficiency.

Topical Certificates

Since Evidence-based Cleaning for Health covers many topics, we are creating interim topic-based certificates as stepping stones to overall certification; e.g., we will create productivity lessons involving six 1-minute smartphone video submissions from each worker showing the correct ergonomic and effectiveness process for six tasks including: wiping using microfiber, vacuuming using an upright, vacuuming using a backpack, mopping using a string mop, mopping using a microfiber mop, and lifting of objects. A ~one-minute demo video will be provided for each process; and workers will be run through each process until proficient; then periodically receive refresher practice for knowledge retrieval and long-term uptake. We will archive and backup the video for recordkeeping.

Productivity lessons will also relate to tasks such as disinfecting, when “production” is judged not by speed but by effectiveness of technique; as well as other measures that raise productivity such as using effective filters in vacuums (we may augment this with airborne measurement of vacuum cleaner exhaust to ensure the system traps rather than blows dust.)

[Example of a topical certificate for productivity]

Based on the fledgling development of our LMS, keeping track of courses taken or to be retaken will be handled manually from this office, as will progress toward certification, certifications achieved and related renewals. We will contact students directly regarding their progress and achievements.