When Training is Not the Answer – Better Product Is…
Knowledge transfer research shows only two out of 12 workers or 17% put training into practice. “Are trainings simply ineffective?” asks the book, 12 Levers of Transfer Effectiveness. “Does it have to be like this? Could it be that [...]
ICM – Part One – Measuring Cleanliness
by R.W. Powitz When we make changes in cleaning products, cleaning equipment or even cleaning systems, our decisions should be defensible. Just because something is "new and improved", doesn't necessarily mean that it is better. A questionable housekeeping-related purchasing [...]
What is the biggest challenge facing school custodial departments?
The biggest challenges facing school custodial departments can vary depending on the specific circumstances and needs of the school district. However, some common challenges include: Budget Constraints: Many school custodial departments face tight budgets, which [...]
Leverage for Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Transfer (KT) is teaching and training for desired learning and performance outcomes — a practical not academic approach — and “transfer” of understanding, skills and wisdom from teacher to student is core to a KT system and its leverage [...]
Service Guarantees?
What sort of service guarantee should we give prospects to which we offer High-performance Green Cleaning or Evidence-based Cleaning for Health? How important are service guarantees or warrantees to drive sales? Service guarantees or warranties can be quite important [...]
Building Better Content
The graphic shows a method used by Egyptian builders to level and plumb the Pyramid at Giza. Similar techniques are used today. Writers and educators today – like their ancient counterparts – use methods to ensure content is “on the [...]
Bridging Theory with Practice, A Word About Certification and our LMS
Indoor Health Council will award certificates based on successful application, i.e., to students who demonstrate mastery of both knowledge and practice. Our Learning Management System (LMS) helps ensure both goals, while providing a video record of training [...]
How Will AI Affect the Commercial Cleaning Industry: Now and In the Future?
In the USA Although the jury is still out, AI is likely to have a major impact on the commercial cleaning industry, bringing about advancements and changes in various aspects of the sector. Here are some ways in which [...]
How is Your SIS?
SIS stands for Stakeholder Information System, a process by which you gather and use information from all the stakeholders of your cleaning. These include: 1. People doing the cleaning. 2. People who work, learn or live in the cleaned [...]
When 1+1 = 3 – The Power of Synergy
"Successful synergy means a higher ranking for the team than for its individual members. The group fails when any of its members has a better ranking than the overall team" (Source: Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a [...]
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