Lean Thinking Defined
"Lean Thinking is a process whereby you understand exactly what it is you do, and eliminate any wasteful activities doing it while enhancing all value-added activities." "A wasteful activity is the opposite of a value-added activity, a term that defines [...]
How to Have a Healthier Mind
A report in the peer-reviewed journal, Ageing Research Reviews, revealed the key role of a purpose in life for cognitive health, and for mitigating dementia and depression (Bell et al. 2022). The authors suggest purpose and meaning may protect [...]
Clean Hands Certification (CHC) Program – Get Certified in Handwashing
Learning Objective: That workers wash their hands thoroughly and completely in line with best practices and embed these habits in procedural memory. Time requirement: One or two hours including practice (repeated quarterly to maintain certification). Get Certified: First Log-in [...]
Mops Are to Cleaning What Washrags Are to Showering
“Showering is the most common form of bathing worldwide” notes an NIH library study*. Showering removes sweat, oils, and microbes from skin, promotes circulation, refreshment and self-worth, and improves appearance. Showering aided by a washcloth can improve hygiene, but [...]
When Training is Not the Answer – Better Product Is…
Knowledge transfer research shows only two out of 12 workers or 17% put training into practice. “Are trainings simply ineffective?” asks the book, 12 Levers of Transfer Effectiveness. “Does it have to be like this? Could it be that [...]
Does ultraviolet (UV) radiation from UV lamps kill mold?
If properly designed, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) cleaners that use ultraviolet radiation from UV lamps may destroy indoor biological pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, and some molds that are growing on the moist interiors of HVAC surfaces (e.g., cooling [...]
What Have We Learned About Hygiene Post-COVID
- A 360 Perspective on Cleaning and Disinfecting 1. Why strategies in isolation don't work. Systems are needed. 2. That risk = hazard x exposure. To lower the risk, lessen the exposure. 3. That creating sterile environments is impossible (outside [...]
Service Guarantees?
What sort of service guarantee should we give prospects to which we offer High-performance Green Cleaning or Evidence-based Cleaning for Health? How important are service guarantees or warrantees to drive sales? Service guarantees or warranties can be quite important [...]
Is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) Real?
by Jeff May, May Indoor Air Q: Is Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) real? A: Yes, SBS — aka, too-tight building syndrome — is real and exists when poorly-ventilated indoor spaces “bottle up” pollutants from materials used in building/furnishing a [...]
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