The One Environment We Control
We have little direct control over the global environment, which in recent years has been used as a dumping ground for pollutants, even as it has become clear that Earth’s ecosystem is finite, limited, and endangered.
The Environment—Why It Matters
It surrounds us both outdoors and indoors. The outdoor environment, also called the macro- or natural-environment, is compromised by pollutants that endanger habitat; but the indoor environment, the built- or micro-environment, is also endangered.
Cleaning as Health Intervention
We assume everyone knows what cleaning is, but do they? Clearly, it’s something we do to remove dirt and maintain appearances: For example, removing a coffee stain, spots on glass or floors.
Clean Your Coolers Regularly
By Joseph Welsh, aka, “Joe the Grocer” There are key reasons why you should clean your grocery and perishables coolers regularly: Buildup on coils cuts heat transfer effectiveness and overall efficiency. Regular cleaning reduces build up, lowers costs, and boosts profits.
IoT and Commercial Cleaning for Health
Through the Internet of Things (IoT), the cleaning industry has an opportunity to support public health during a time of infectious illness and pandemic. Already: Waste and recycling receptacles can monitor usage and fill levels. Smart hand soap and towel [...]
Why Not to Rate or Grade Workers
Per the book: The Symphony of Profound Knowledge: W. Edwards Deming’s Score for Leading, Performing, and Living in Concert, by Ed Baker — "Rating and grading is analogous to inspection of parts in the factory. Inspection is after the fact, [...]
What is Particulate Matter?
Also known as PM, particulate matter is a mixture of solid and/or liquid inhalable airborne particles that range from 2.5 microns to 10 microns in diameter. Once inhaled, PM can affect the lungs, heart, and cause other health issues.
A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
By Kristy Kelm I wanted to take a moment to impress upon you the importance of image and presentation. It's been said that while you cannot tell a book by its cover, you can sell a book by its [...]
Ventilation Pays
Bill Fisk of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), estimated national yearly returns of better indoor air quality “of $6 to $14 billion from reduced respiratory disease; $2 to $4 billion from reduced allergies and asthma; $15 to $40 billion from reduced symptoms of sick building syndrome; and $20 to $200 billion from direct improvements in worker performance…” and that $ returns could exceed costs by up to 1400%.
Hygienic Green Cleaning – The Next Wave
By John Downey In the past two decades the concept of “green” cleaning has progressed from the fringe to the mainstream. Many cleaning professionals who once looked skeptically at “environmentally friendly” chemicals and practices now embrace it because many green-cleaning [...]
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