Clean Hands Certification (CHC) Program – Get Certified in Handwashing

Published On: July 17, 2024Categories: All Posts, Cleaning for Health, Foodservice, Handwashing, Infection Prevention

Learning Objective:

That workers wash their hands thoroughly and completely in line with best practices and embed these habits in procedural memory.

Time requirement:

One or two hours including practice (repeated quarterly to maintain certification).

Get Certified:

  1. First Log-in or Register (refresh the page after login).
  2. Watch the video and practice the steps.
  3. Learn the flashcards and describe the steps from memory (unassisted, in the forms below).
  4. Record your handwashing practice to a smartphone (get a helper to record ~20 seconds of video).
  5. Submit your practice video to your Indoor Health Council proctor (upload using the form below).
  6. Work with your IHC proctor and get Clean Hands Certified! See also Notes below.

Review Flash Cards





Please login to submit answer.

Please show us your handwashing technique by uploading a short video of your handwashing practice using the Upload Video form below. Please upload a still photo of the 60-95% alcohol-based hand sanitizer mounted at the restroom exit. If you would like to add a short audio with questions or comments, a “Glo Germ™“- or “GlitterBug®“-type photo, or an Excel file with before and after ATP or other data, use the Upload Audio, Upload Photo, and or Outcomes Measurement forms below the Upload Video submission form.

Notes: Indoor Health Council, an organization dedicated to improving indoor health and wellness, has launched its Clean Hands Certification (CHC) program, an annual program with quarterly reviews (every three months) that teaches and rewards proper handwashing techniques and habits. The program is led by Dr. Chuck Gerba, a renowned microbiologist and professor at the University of Arizona, who serves as the principal scientist and advisor for the program.  [Credit: How-to-wash-hands images provided by the World Health Organization.]