How to Improve IAQ in Schools

Published On: April 12, 2024Categories: All Posts

Improving indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools is crucial for the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Ventilation and Filtration:
– Schedule inspection and maintenance of HVAC systems for optimal performance.
– Upgrade filters to higher-efficiency ones matched to the performance requirements of HVAC units.
– Consider portable air purifiers with HEPA filters for additional air cleaning.

2. Cleaning and Maintenance:
– Tailor cleaning plans to focus on health and IAQ.
– Train staff to follow effective cleaning procedures.
– Create a capable team committed to maintaining a healthy environment.

3. Comprehensive IAQ Management:
– Develop a written IAQ management plan that covers ventilation, filtration, cleaning, and more.
– Address critical areas like high-contact surfaces, ventilation, and air purification.
– Empower an IAQ leader to oversee implementation.

4. Layered Risk Reduction:
– Implement multiple strategies to reduce IAQ risks.
– Use face coverings, outside air, filtration, and portable air cleaners for a safer school environment.

5. Regular Evaluation:
– Solicit feedback from occupants.
– Measure return on investment in terms of health and academic outcomes.

Remember, a healthy learning environment contributes to student success and well-being. Let’s prioritize IAQ improvements in schools for a brighter future!

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/10/2024