How to Benefit from Marketing Green

Published On: March 8, 2024Categories: Cleaning, Hygienic Green Cleaning

Per the book Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green – Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet:

“When you look at all the advantages of running a Green company, it’s hard to understand why every company in the world hasn’t shifted.

➤ Green goods and services are much easier to market.

➤ They often command a premium price, and thus are more profitable.

➤ Green goods and services are better for the environment: They use fewer resources, less energy, and more organic and natural materials—and thus create less pollution, have a smaller carbon footprint (which means they don’t add to the [climate change] problem), and are easier to dispose of.

➤ Against conventional wisdom, they can actually be cheaper to produce, if properly designed.”

Regarding the last point, greener, less chemically-intensive Cleaning for Health lowers the need for as many chemicals through a targeted hygienic strategy focused on removal of soils, germs, and pollutants, rather than shotgun cleaning and disinfection methods.