Questions from Readers – Measuring Air Quality, Etc

Published On: December 20, 2023Categories: All Posts, Questions


I am a retired senior citizen concerned regarding industrial development in my residential neighborhood. The plan includes over 700 tractor trailer parking spaces. During construction we are exposed to dust and noise. We can look forward to diesel engine pollution. I am sure interior and exterior air will be impacted. How do we measure a change in air pollution would be helpful.


Thank you for sharing your concerns and for your desire to protect yourself and others from potential hazards. Please see suggestions below.

Air Quality Measurement

Dylos offers affordable particle counting devices suitable for use by consumers. The DC-1100 is a good example. Here is the link to advice from EPA on using the Dylos unit to measure air quality.


Purchase an air purifier with a Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) sufficient to remove offending particles from the air inside your home, and especially where you spend the most time. Close off the areas where air is being treated as these units can best treat places where the volume of air is limited to enable effective purification.

Diesel Engine Pollution

The EPA discusses the impacts of diesel exhaust emissions here.


There are useful noise reduction resources on YouTube.

Please reach out to us with further questions.