What American Janitors Can Learn from Japan

Published On: October 23, 2023Categories: Cleaning for Health

In Japan, it is common for workers to engage in various exercises or stretches before starting their workday. These exercises are known as “radio calisthenics,” and they are often done in groups, either outdoors or in the workplace. Radio calisthenics are intended to promote physical fitness, improve blood circulation, and create a sense of unity among workers. There are different variations of these exercises, but they typically consist of a series of simple movements and stretches set to music.

The most common radio calisthenics routine consists of 10 exercises, and they are usually performed in the following order:

  1. Knee-tapping: March in place while raising your knees and tapping them with your hands.
  2. Side stretches: Stretch your arms overhead and lean to one side and then the other.
  3. Arm swings: Swing your arms back and forth.
  4. Hip rotations: Rotate your hips in a circular motion.
  5. Trunk twists: Twist your torso from side to side.
  6. Knee raises: March in place while raising your knees high.
  7. Heel touches: Stretch your arms overhead, then lower them and touch your heels.
  8. Shoulder rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and backward.
  9. Neck stretches: Gently tilt your head from side to side and forward and backward.
  10. Deep breaths: Take deep breaths while reaching your arms overhead and then lowering them.

These exercises are typically performed for about 3-5 minutes and are considered a way to warm up and prepare the body for the day ahead. Some companies also use these exercises as a way to promote team spirit and build a sense of camaraderie among their employees.

Always consult your doctor before performing these or other exercises.

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