Take Time to Build Your Earning Power

Published On: October 31, 2022Categories: All Posts

The saying, “Time is Money” applies when we spend time improving our earning power.

According to Brian Tracy’s book, Earn What You’re Really Worth:

“One of the most important assets you have is your earning ability, your ability to do something other people will pay you for. This asset can be valuable and increase each year, or it can be stagnant and flat.”

“Your earning ability is like farmland,” he continues. “If you don’t take excellent care of it, if you don’t fertilize it, and cultivate it, and water it on a regular basis, it soon loses its ability to produce the kind of harvest you desire. Successful men and women are those who are extremely aware of the importance and value of their earning ability. They work every day to keep it increasing in productive value, and current with the demands of the marketplace.”

The demands of the cleaning sector involve health issues as never before, which is why we emphasize the importance of Evidence-based Cleaning for Health and Kaizen for continuous small improvements that produce big results.