The Environment—Why It Matters

Published On: June 23, 2022Categories: All Posts

It surrounds us both outdoors and indoors. The outdoor environment, also called the macro- or natural-environment, is compromised by pollutants that endanger habitat; but the indoor environment, the built- or micro-environment, is also endangered.

“Whichever name we call either environment, it is essential for it to be clean if we are to lead healthy and productive lives,” noted Dr. Michael Berry.

“The quality of the indoor environment is created through cleaning and proper maintenance. Cleaning is essential to good health and to environmental protection indoors,” Berry said.

In short: cleaning directly affects the built environment, and the “endangered species” known as humans.

That is why it matters.

(Based on the Preface of Protecting the Built Environment – Cleaning for Health, by Dr. Michael Berry, published in 1994.)

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