What is Self-Esteem?

Published On: February 10, 2022Categories: All Posts, Opinion, Self-Esteem

[A Note from IHC’s Council: “One of the best ways to enhance the self-esteem of the custodial workforce is for them to understand the importance of cleaning as it relates to healthier buildings, employees, and customers; as well as its role in brand impact and our mission to create a better indoor environment” — suggested by Allen Randolph]

Per Dr. Nathaniel Branden:

Self-esteem “is confidence in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life, and confidence in our right to be successful and happy.”

Self-esteem “is directly affected by how we act. Causation flows in both directions. There is a continuous feedback loop between our actions and our self-esteem.”

Per Perry Shimanoff of MC2: “Self-esteem is feeling good about yourself no matter what the circumstances or the environment or the time of day.”

The Indoor Health Council aims to:

1. Be a source of information to prompt sound thinking about our role as cleaning professionals and stewards of the indoor environment,

2. Build the confidence of those who clean buildings through expanded awareness, knowledge of best practices, and meeting the challenge of creating more healthful indoor spaces; and

3. Forge a path to effective actions producing better outcomes for greater success and happiness in this role.

We welcome input on this post.