Are Microbes Useful for Cleaning?
Microbes applied on porous surfaces may provide odor control by displacing the bacteria responsible for odors.
Products containing live microbes in spore form — or enzymes harvested from them — are available for cleaning; a positive step at first glance as nature uses microbial enzymes to break down leaves, oils, waste, and other organics, without the need for harsh chemicals.
Microbes applied on porous surfaces like grout help with odor control by displacing the bacteria responsible for odors.
“Pro-microbial cleaning products” (the prefix, “pro-” is short for positive outcomes) need moisture to remain active, and have been used on commercial kitchen floors where they can also increase slip resistance.
The 2018 study, Status of microbial based cleaning products in statutory regulations and ecolabelling in Europe, the USA, and Canada, etc. — explores this topic with the pros and cons from an environmental, green labelling, and regulatory viewpoint.
Link to the research report.